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Option A
72 %
Option B
27 %
Showing 51/50 responses
Public    08 Feb 2021
37 Responses to Option A
37 people chose A as their choice
1. He clearly helped inflame and propagate insurrection.
3. What he did should be punished because if it isn't it sets a precedent that people can get away with this in the future.
4. in my own thoughts
6. It's exhausting watching people in power get away with so much crime and corruption. He is a criminal who deserves far more than impeachment.
7. yes i favour of impeaching Trump
8. Trump was a horrible president and a terrible person whom I firmly believe is guilty of inciting an insurrection.
10. I dont like trump i hope for his impeachment
12. i always admire him
13. i love his decisions always
15. I think Trump deserves to be impeached for encouraging the riot against the capital.
16. his actions and decisions are accurate
20. Because I think he did horrible things and deserves to be impeached.
22. He should not receive a pension or hold office ever again.
23. Orange man bad
24. He has committed treason.
25. He's a criminal that has destroyed the US. He incited the insurrection.
26. Between his botched covid-19 response, and inciting a riot at the capitol, he has been the worst president in my lifetime. Impeaching him will prevent him from running for office again.
27. He instigated violence on Jan 6, and he tried to instigate it on other occasions. He violated his oath to preserve the Constitution in many ways.
29. I believe he committed crimes worthy of impeachment, and it is important that he not be allowed to run for federal public office again.
30. because he did not perform his roles well as a president.
32. he is a danger to our democracy and tried to overthrow the government
33. Presidents who incite treasonous violence should be impeached.
34. He's an idiot and a threat to our country. He's a traitor.
35. There were too many things that were against the law that Trump did and had no repercussions.
36. Trump incited an insurrection and he needs to be impeached
37. He needs to be accountable for things he said and caused. No president should be excused of bad behavior while in office.
38. He deserves it, and leaving his actions as president unpunished sets a frankly terrifying precedent.
39. If he is guilty, which I think he probably is, I'd like to see justice
40. I think it is important for Trump to be held accountable for his actions on January 6th.
42. He's a terrible person and incited violence.
43. I think it is important to hold him accountable for his actions in at least some way. I also think that barring him from future office is a worthwhile goal.
45. Because he is guilty and he must suffer consequences for his actions. If literally anyone else did what he did they'd be in jail right now.
46. I do not want him to be able to run for President again.
49. i think my thought correct so i select
50. I think what he did was wrong and there should be consequences to his action, and he should be bar from running from public office again.
51. He needs to be held accountable for his harmful actions.
14 Responses to Option B
14 people chose B as their choice
2. I don't like him this authority
5. i think it's a waste of time at this point.
9. Why bother he is not even the president anymore
14. He's a former president and I don't think its relevant now. What is done is done and we should move forward as a country. It's a waste of resources.
17. Seems like a waste of time when we need the stimulus bill to pass asap.
18. he is already out of office and plus you can't blame him for acts other people do.
19. I feel like it's a waste of taxpayer money at this point. Also, I don't feel like he did anything wrong.
21. I don't think it serves a purpose at this point other than partisanship. They are doing it so he can't run for office again. This should be the peoples choice, not Congress.
28. The whole process is a farce and unconstitutional. The left thinks this was an insurrection, but had no problem encouraging the violent protests over the summer. Perhaps if the Capitol was set on fire or someone was seen coming out with a dozen flatscreens, they would have been more familiar with the incident. But whatever, orange man bad.
31. Trump did nothing to be impeached for.
41. i dont think he deserves to be impeached
44. He told them to be peaceful. the democrats are being vengeful.
47. I do not feel like Trump did anything that should cause him to be impeached. I do not feel like he was to blame for the riots happening.
48. How can you impeach a civilian not it office?

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